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Aamir Industries is one of the world’s leading sports companies, manufacturing, designing, developing and supplying high performance sport equipment, apparel and accessories. It established in 2002 and located in well renowned, exporting city Sialkot in Pakistan. It has established a history of making fast product designs for the fastest athletes of Soccer, Hurling and Gaelic.

Aamir Industries, having multiple sources of manufacturing units and owing to high number of employees, provides you quantitative and qualitative distinction between us and others. Every year, we make stunning products in the categories of Football, Hurling and Gaelic Balls and their Playing Kits. These articles are also displayed in ISPO Germany Munich and USA LAS VEGAS every year.

For the ease of our customers, we have been striving to give you the immense customizing service since our inception. The customizing service for which, our team has great designers who can make the same of your own designs and logos.

Our Employees are +18, well-experienced and skilled in what they make for you. We keeping and an eye on sports offer you this amazing service and assure you that we will make your product that is our first priority.

We are member of ISO 9001:2008, as a certified company we ensure that the quality is maintained here from cut to pack.

We Are Global And Have Helped Clients Worldwide.

C.E.O Message

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